Sistema smart per la gestione della sicurezza degli operatori in ambienti di lavoro con macchine mobili operatrici comandate a distanza
The aim is the development from an Industry 4.0 perspective of an integrated smart system of sensors and actuators to manage the safety of a work environment consisting of the simultaneous presence of operators and remote-controlled mobile machines. The system can make the mobile machines safe in the event of dangerous situations for them and operators and to warn the latter of dangerous conditions. The mobile machines are equipped with sensors to be detected by other machines and detectors to know the position of the other ones. Operators wear a sensorized coverall to be detected and a smart device to be alerted.
Funder: INAIL (Call: Bando Ricerche in Collaborazione (BRiC – 2019) – Piano Attività di Ricerca 2019-2021. Programma ID 34)
Budget: ~630 k€ (UNIPI: ~101 k€, coordinator), founding rate of about 54%
Principal investigator Roberto Gabbrielli