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Unità Mobile Trasportabile per la produzione di sostanze detergenti, disinfettanti, igienizzanti

TURBOFLUX aims at creating a flexible mobile plant to produce several fine chemicals, including medical-surgical aids, but also other substances for specific industrial sectors. Production will take place in real time, by means of a continuous in-line reactor, from liquid basic products, in proportions given by the specific recipes. DICI is involved in rheological and chemical-physical analysis, in the selection and analysis of the flow reactor modular elements, in numerical simulations with CFD techniques, in the definition and development of the automation software and control architecture, as well as the integration and realization of the prototype, and functional and performance tests in simulated and operational environment.

Funder: Sviluppo Regione Toscana through the POR FESR 2014 – 2020 funding program
Relevance: Regional
Budget: ~1,188M€ (UNIPI: ~180k€)